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Still at war just on a different battlefield

You don't have to fight this fight alone

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 Leaving the warzone doesn't mean the battle is over...

We were taught to be self-sufficient; not to rely on anyone for help. Figure it out, no one else is coming. It is ingrained in us. We transition in to the civilian world and we carry over that mentality, but it is different. 

Family and friends try to be there for us but we see it as pity. We don't want sympathy or help, so we push them away; we will figure it out on our own. Friends go first and the family that loves us hangs on as long as they can. We turn to alcohol or drugs, risky behavior and adrenaline seeking. Eventually the family that loves us begin to distance themselves while we self destruct. The only company we have is our addictions and our demons... We start to tell ourselves the world would be better off without us...Believe me... I've been there... 

I wouldn't leave you in a fire fight so why would I leave you when you need me the most. We are not in a war zone but we are still at war. Let me engage the enemy while you take a knee behind cover and reload. Take a deep breath and get back in the fucking fight... I may need to reload soon. 

You want to drink and talk about it, let's drink... but tomorrow lets go for a run. You want to drink and talk about it I'm down, but the next day we're going fishing. Slowly we will get you back in to the fight. Together... We Are Resilient.

man wearing white uniform saluting


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